TTFFT Week 2: The Gallatin (Chapter 2)
Day 2 on the Gallatin was diametrically opposed to day one. The previous day we had fished in shirt sleeves with temperatures in the high 70's. This day, as Randall and I drove out of Bozeman and climbed higher into the Gallatin Mountains, the skies were slate gray and the temperature inside Randy's SUV read 39 degrees. We stopped at Wolf Creek Campground and donned the fleece, waders and raingear, the skies started spitting sleet. I was not deterred in the least, and much to my delight, neither was Randall. Randall is a true tailwater tribesman and I am proud to have him as a member of my tribe. As I mentioned in my last post, Randall won't back down from temperature extremes, weather events, grizzly bears, or whatever mother nature dishes out. Once again, we started at Swan Creek access and hit all the spots we'd hit the day before. As the weather improved, so did the fishing. We were particularly pleased to see numerous Salmonfli...