Deep Freezers, Waning Caddis, Arizona, and Wet Wading in April...
I got an E-mail from my friend Randy Berndt in Wisconsin to tell me of his weather woes; 6-8" of snow predicted. As of this time last year Randy had landed over 70 trout in the Driftless Region. His count in 2011--1 fish. I feel sorry for Randy in his deep freeze but thought I'd spread a little sunshine his way. Yesterday, with temps in the mid 70's, I donned the waders to fish my anticipatory spring break caddis hatch on the Little Red River in Arkansas. Today (Tuesday, April 19) with temps expected and exceeding 85 degrees, I pulled into the Cow Shoals parking lot, slipped on the wading sandals and shorts and practically jogged down to the river. Hard to believe the freedom that wet-wading provides without the cumbersome boots and waders... The caddis hatch is on the wane, but I have managed to catch a few rising fish with an X-caddis and an Elk hair variant. I dropped a #16 Red Ass soft hackle below it and got most of my fish on the Red...