Stop! Hopper Time!

To say this summer didn't go as planned would be an understatement. Reflecting back to the spring I had visions of guide school on the Bighorn in my sights. My buddy Randy Berndt from Wisconsin, a classmate from Montana State University and I were supposed to attend a well-known guide school on the Big Horn River. To make a long story short; Randy got to go, and I didn't. For me, life got in the way. I am in the midst of yet another job change, a great opportunity that doesn't come around very often. This threw my summer into a loop as it was a late development and by the time I got my ducks in a row, I ran out of time. This forced me to live my life vicariously through Randy. I kept up with his exploits through his blog "On The Fly" and it sounds as if he had a demanding, yet unforgettable experience. Depending on my new schedule on my job, maybe next summer will be my time. So for now, I will practice my nail knots, improve...