I Am Not Alone In My Insanity...

After the hectic Christmas season, Laurie and I ventured north from the Mississippi Gulf Coast to the Traveler State. I had carefully planned this trip well in advance. My strategy was to fish the midge hatches on the Norfork and White Rivers for two days, and then meet the Bouncer and his wife, Peggy at their place in Mammoth Springs to celebrate New Years. I had meticulously checked the weather and the generation schedules for Bull Shoals and Norfork Lake, read John Berry's fishing report, checked in with the Ozark Fly Flinger website and all the prospects looked favorable. When we left Gulfport it was 57 degrees. By the time we got to Hardy, AR, it was hovering between 32 and 33 degrees and snowing like crazy. It seems as if every time I have a window to trout fish, that Arkansas is having a major weather event. Over the past ten years I have seen blizzards, ice-storms, epic floods, ha...