Laurie and I left Gulfport New Year’s Day for Heber Springs, Arkansas. We arrived at 5:00 p.m. and I began to unpack our gear. A “deer in headlights” look came into my eyes when I realized I’d forgotten Laurie’s waders and boots. After the initial shock of disbelief and thoughts of defeat, I remembered a trip I made to this same destination a few years back. I forgot my waders and boots and borrowed a pair of each from Jed Holliman at the Little Red Fly Shop. Jed saved my trip that weekend in a most gracious way. Unfortunately, the LRFS closed its doors a few years back. The Little Red Fly Shop back in the day. RIP: What a great shop! The Little Red Fly Shop today: Unfortunately, it is now Chuck's Steak House, which I'm sure is a great place to eat “Ozark Angler,” I said. “We’ll call and see if the...