My First Non-Fishing Post: Shameless Promotion of "Hot Aces"

When I look at similar and more popular fishing-oriented blogs than mine, many of which I am an avid fan, I notice one thing...shameless self-promotion.  I have never been a fan of this practice and this is probably why I am not a best-selling author or world-renowned fly-fishing guru.  But here I am, taking the advice of my wife, Laurie, who suggested that I promote my latest novel, "Hot Aces" on Tailwater Tribe.  I realize this out of character for my blog.  On the rare occasions that I update it, the main topic is fly fishing, travel, Montana, Arkansas, trout and any other topic solely devoted to my passion of the pursuit of game fish on the long rod.  But this time, I digress. 
Hot Aces is my second novel.  The first, "The Brown Stilt House," was published a decade ago and after so many years without a new product, many thought that my writing ambition, skills, or lack of, had dried up on the vine.  I'm here to say this is not the case.  "Hot Aces," was published this summer while I was in Bozeman, finishing some graduate studies at Montana State, and of course completely absorbed in fighting the conumdrum of where to fish during epic snowmelt and high water events.  By the time I got off the Firehole and Henry's Fork and back to Gulfport, life got in the way and I never had the opportunity to plug my book. 
"Hot Aces" is a work of fiction in the mystery/suspense genre and I believe it would be worth your while to check it out.  There are no fly fishing references, but one of the main characters turns up missing in the Mississippi Gulf Coast after officials found the charred hull of his Boston Whaler washed up on the shore of Deer Island. 
All-in-all it is a fun read with many references to many places familiar to me and my readers.  If you get the time, check it out.  "Hot Aces" is available at all of the usual places; Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.  Just Google, order, and read.  Your feedback would be much appreciated. 
Until my next post, which will definitely be about fly fishing, good reading!  Your support would be shamelessly appreciated...


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