Missed the Caddis...onto the sulphurs, I hope!!!

Well, caddis season has come and gone (for the most part) in my home waters of Arkansas and alas, I missed it.  I had great intentions of getting some water time on the White and Little Red Rivers during spring break, but the Corps (full generation), or the weather, was not on my side.  I had a wonderful trip to the Spring River in Mammoth Spring and hung out with the bouncer at his riverside pad, got in a lot of fishing and caught a few fish.  Even saw a few mayflies and caddis there, but damn it, I missed the caddis!  I am forever the optimist and always see the glass as half full.  I am hopeful that I will run into these illusive moths somewhere this summer, perhaps the Firehole...but in the meantime, I will move on with my thoughts and my life, to the next available hatch, the sulphurs...
Sulphur mayflies are yellowish-green with rusty brown bodies and are known as PMDs out west.  If I'm lucky and the planets align, and I'm at the right place at the right time with no generation from the corps...maybe I'll get on my home waters soon, (last week in May after school is finally out!)  Until then, I'm painting trout, watching movies about trout, tweeting about trout, reading about trout, and practicing my casts in the front yard...
If things don't go to plan, hopefully I'll catch up to those sulphurs...I mean, PMDs at the Henry's Fork, Gallatin, Frying Pan, or some other river I'm dreaming to fish this summer.


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