Tailwater Tribe Fly Fishing Tour Day 3: The Frying Pan...All it's cracked up to be!

Arose with the chickens on Sunday and called Frying Pan Anglers in Basalt, Colorado, to find out where they were.  These guys are awesome, first-class all the way.  They hooked me up with a Colorado license, flies, a neat cap and threw in a bumper sticker to boot.  With the aid of a map, I was soon driving down Frying Pan Road looking for a place to start.  While I was rigging up the Scott G2, a guide from Frying Pan Anglers, Cameron Cipponeri, found me and agreed to show me the lay of the land.  Right off the bat we found a pod of tipping risers voraciously feeding on a midge hatch.  They were stacked up in a deep seam like cord wood.  I lost count of how many we caught, but I will say that my day was very rewarding.  Cam even took me to a little spring creek (Taylor Creek) and we caught a few large bows on lime trudes.  Kept waiting for the PMDs to explode but they never did.  Cameron, you're the greatest.  Props to Frying Pan Anglers!!  I've added you to my favorite fly shops list on my blog.  I'm hopeful that I can make it back for the Green Drake hatch later this summer or maybe even a midge trip in December.  I've also volunteered my services to Cam if he ever gets over to my home waters in AR!   Thanks, guys for everything...especially the bumper sticker.


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